About Us

QC2  Queer Conversations of Color
QC2 is a community and student-led journal that collects the dissenting voices of queer people of color (POC) and their allies. The journal is interested in fostering a space for the articulation of critical, de-colonial, queer, and all other manner of noncompliant expression from the varied perspectives of POC. Ultimately, this journal's intent is to imagine, develop, and present ways of mattering otherwise, beyond the boundaries of the prescribed.

Our plan is to have this blog serve as the online component/companion to our eventual print journal.

Our collective group interests include, but are definitely not limited to:  
Feminism, Critical Race Theory, Chicana/o Studies, Africana Studies, Raza Studies, Post-Colonial Theory, Queer Theory, Cultural Studies, LGBTQI Studies, Activism, Film Studies, Anthropology, Poetry/Creative Writing, Pop Culture Analysis, Politics, Prison Abolition, Philosophy, Dance Culture, Hip Hop, Punk, Jazz, Visual Art and Photography, etc.

Mission Statement: Queer Conversations of Color is a journal assemblage of radical, critically resistant literature and art. The journal will focus on the marginalized voices of queer and non-queer identified people of color both within academia and the surrounding community. Queer Conversations of Color provides a space for the exchange of thought and for critical analysis of political and social formations that closely affect us. Through the collection of essays, poetry, manifestos, interviews, personal narratives, fragments, and visual art this journal looks to enrich the communities of all those involved and to affirm the lived experiences and thoughts of sexual, gendered, and racial minorities. QC2: Queer Conversations of Color serves to uplift nonconforming voices in the hopes of alleviating alienation amongst individuals typically viewed as other.